2011年10月4日 星期二

Let’s talk iPhone.

今天,20111004,全球各地的新聞媒體,都開始為舊金山即將登場的大新聞:iPhone 新機發表會而鼓譟不已。蘋果每次的新產品發表會都會引起世界級的旋風,尤其是 iPhone,這次當然也不例外。

但更引人注意的是,這次的新產品發表,並不是由行銷老鬼賈柏斯主導,預測將會是由蘋果新任執行長 Tim Cook 來處理。嚴格來說,這場秀早在20110824,老賈對蘋果董事會以及全球觀眾遞出辭職信的時候,就開演了。一個多月來,話題不斷的被討論,也將新任的這個「廚師」端上世界媒體的面前。


相較於擅於製造話題的老賈,這位以供應鏈專家與營運高手見稱的新執行長庫克也不遑多讓,從第一封發給媒體的邀請函 Let’s talk iPhone,內容並以四個 IOS 的圖標,分別顯示了發佈會的日期、時間、地點,以及一個標有序號1的電話圖示,也充滿了行銷創意與另類風格。我想廚師今晚就算不穿特級廚師的白袍子,應該也不會再穿著黑T+藍色牛仔褲上場。但他能否真走出賈柏斯的光環,擺脫老賈的影子,在15hr 後(台灣時間1005日凌晨一點),讓我們一樣驚奇?我很期待。

We are finally here! It looks like we are finally getting some confirmation from Apple. Media invites have been released for October 4th this morning. Apple has surprisingly chosen their own headquarters in CupertinoCalifornia  for the keynote. It will be at 10a.m. pacific/noon central so we will be here covering it all as it happens!

Now, from my analysis, we may only be seeing 1 iPhone. As you can see, the badge on the iPhone icon clearly shows a “1″. If they would have wanted to say that you have “1″ invitation, then they would have used a Reminders application or use badged the Calendar.

Also, the calendar shows a “4″ for October 4th, the clock shows at 10am pacific, and the Maps icon depicts Apple’s headquarters on Google Maps.

So there you go guys, we will be convering the keynote live as it happens, so stay tuned!
We can put all of these rumors to bed next Tuesday! See you then.
